Help someone you may know today!
Learning disabilities are on the rise. Someone you may know, in your family, or a relative, a friend, has a learning disability. We are creating this institution of higher learning to help them and give their loved ones hope! You can help.
Gifts of any amount are greatly appreciated, especially during these difficult economic times.
You can help us if you are an Amazon shopper! Please click the Amazon Smile logo to be sent to Amazon Smile. Once there, make your normal purchases and a 0.5% portion of every dollar you spend will go to help build NHI vocational college come to reality. The Amazon Smile system is safe and secure.

If you do not see the way in which you would like to donate, please fill out the form below leaving your first and last name, your email, and a brief description of the donation, and we will try and work with you.
Thank you for supporting the future students and staff of the New Horizons Institute, Los Angeles.