There are two forms on this page. Please read before filling out any forms. Thank you.

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For monetary donations:

Please do not use this form for monetary donations. Visit the ‘Donations‘ page.

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For all Resource Research Requests:

Please keep in mind that not all information is the same nor located in the same place, it may take some time to retrieve what you seek. Once you receive the information, we suggest you double-check the information for accuracy. Information can change at any time and it is in your best interest to be safe.

Employment Opportunities

If you are interested in employment, we are not currently taking employment information at this time. NHI is still in the research and development stage. NHI is constantly moving through different phases of the R & D (Research and Development) process. We suggest you fill out the form below to stay informed. We will contact you once hiring has begun.

If we are able to locate the information, we will only forward it to the email address you provide. If we are not able to locate the information, we will notify you via email as well. If you do not have an email address, contact us by phone: 310-641-6300.

Resource Research Requests form:

Organization’s name: (If requesting information for a business or non-profit)

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Enter your E-mail:*
Which topic best describes your interests?*
Enter your Message:*
Type the characters you see here:

* Indicates required fields

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